Sunday, March 2, 2008

no more cheesy cell phone

The artist Doffing, who runs San Francisco art gallery Start SOMA, is betting he's not the only one. Clip-art-style services that is the newest way of forming the art. And he launched his own wallpaper website “Start Mobile” in January. He said it will serve as an various source of cell-phone art for those who prefer pop and street art to kitties and puppies. The cell-phone wallpaper market brought in around $100 million this year, according to Julie Ask, a wireless analyst with Jupiter Research. However, many customers actually want the images Doffing sees as cheesy, and analysts predict the market could stagnate or decline in the future, she said. This is a sharp contrast to phone products like games and ring tones, whose sales are on the rise. Therefore, he decides to devote into the clip-art on the cell phone market.
The cell phone market is very enormous and as the number of consumer is keep increasing and the technology of the cell phone is keep improving, the basic and normal style of the cell phone can not satisfy the consumer anymore. Therefore, those cell phone company are trying to re-design and forming the new style or they even follow the trend in the fashion field in order to attract more consumer. As the number of the cell phone users is keep increasing now, the appearance of the cell phone is not the only concern that attracts the consumer. Moreover, the company starts to produce some limit edition cell phone or corporate with other famous fashion brands. For example, the one of the biggest cell phone company LG is promoting a new cell phone which is corporate with the world famous fashion brand PARDA to produce a all touch screen cell phone, and it also is the limit edition. Consumer is so crazy about it. Therefore, from this example we can see that Cell Phone Company will using some special attraction to push the consumer to buy something they do not need.
Resource: Rachel Mertez , No more cheesy cell phone

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