Sunday, February 17, 2008

Asian Horror

Asian Horror is the new term appears on the horror movie recently. It is new horror movie type come from Asia; it is mainly focus on creating the mood and discerning the story behind the serial killer or the ghosts in order to point out the reason of everything to reaming and warning the audiences. Moreover, it usually involves with the Asian country’s tradition and cultures. That could attract more audiences because in those Asian horror movies is not only can entertaining but also can learn something useful from it. I believe it is why the Asian horror is so popular in Hollywood now.
The area covers by the Asian horror are mainly included: Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan and Thailand. These five countries are the places produced most of the movies in Asia. As the technology of the movie is keep improving today and the convenient of internet. Those Asian countries can easily adapt to the new technology and improving the quality of the movies which makes the audiences around the world have more choice beside the Hollywood movies. The movie which produced in Asia is different from America because the style, story and type of the character are so unique that is so easy to catch the people’s eyes and I believe that is the main reason why the Asian horror is so popular all over the world now. Unalike, the Hollywood movie is full of the violence and bloody sense. The Asian movie is more looking forward on the meaning on the story which can sort of educated people and learning something such as how to interact with other, and we should do something good for others. Therefore, that is the main reasons why people are so crazy about Asian horror.
Resource: Asian Horror (1997)

the history of horror

“Since w-a-a-a-a-y back before cinema was even invented, man has always enjoyed the thrill that goes with the sudden shock and prolonged anxiety experienced when we're afraid.”(). This quite is entirely summarizing the points why horror movies are so attractive for people. Moreover, as time changed the content like the plot and characters appear in the movie also changed. For example, at the beginning, the most of character appear in the horror movie is like vampire or the monster in the fart tales such as the Frankenstein or witches. Those are the very famous and traditional characters that would appear on the horror movies.
However, as time changed, the serial killer replaces Frankenstein. Nowadays, the taste of the audiences are altered, they prefer something more violence and bloody. The traditional monster in the fray tales can not satisfy them anymore. They are look forward the more serious visual excitement. Therefore, those movies company put more factor of violence on the movies to attract more audiences. But, I think that could cause a huge problem on the society. Horror is the most of teenager’s favorite type of movies but like the problem that I mention previously that the horrors of today is over violence and bloody for the teenager and that might bring out some negative effects for them because they are not so mature mentally, moreover, they do know how to control themselves. Therefore, the aggression on the movie could influence the way they think further effect the way they behaved. Therefore, I think people should seriously and carefully think about this problem and perhaps we should strongly protest to the company ask them to limit the violence in the movie in order to protect our children.

Resource: Carpenter.John. A history of horror (2008).